why choose lilliputs day nursery westhoughton why choose lilliputs day nursery westhoughton
Ofsted rated Lilliputs Day Nursery in Westhoughton as Good in 2023

OFSTED ‘Good’ July 2023

• The manager and her team have a clear vision for the nursery. They work closely to look at the strengths and any areas for development of the nursery. Leaders conduct regular observations of the staff and provide them with on-going support and training. Staff feel well supported in their role.

• The management team has clear curriculum aims and knows what it wants staff to focus their teaching on to help children make progress. For example, the current focus for toddlers is to develop their communication and language skills. Staff who work with toddlers do this well. They sing songs and rhymes; toddlers thoroughly enjoy joining in. Children develop good language skills.

• Parents speak very highly of the staff. They access information about their child's learning through an online portal and daily discussions with staff. Parents are encouraged to share their child's experiences at home to further enhance their child's learning at nursery. Children have the opportunity to take soft toys home and keep a diary. This helps to initiate meaningful discussions and establishes continuity in children's care and learning.

• Staff understand the importance of children developing good communication and language skills. They make use of opportunities to join in with children's play and conversations. Staff use these times to ask questions and talk about what children are doing. For example, staff and children play together in the pretend kitchen. Children tell staff they are making 'a cup of tea'. Children are confident talkers, and they chat away to each other and staff.

• The designated special educational needs coordinator ensures there are secure arrangements in place to support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff work closely with parents and other professionals to provide a consistent approach to understanding children's needs and how best to support them. This helps all children to make good progress.

Our Caring Team

Meet the team at Lilliputs Day Nursery in Westhoughton

At Lilliputs we have an excellent long serving team of qualified staff and a high ratio of staff to children. The nursery is run by Mrs Gill Green (Proprietor) and Louise Hutchison (Nursery Manager).

We maintain a good balance of qualifications, ages and experience of members of staff. Our staff hold the following formal qualifiations:

NVQ Qualifications in Childcare

NNEB/ Cache Diploma

BTEC Nursery Nursing

Early Years Teacher

Degrees in Early years

First Aid & Hygiene

Staff are encouraged to continue developing their skills and knowledge by attending training courses. All supervisors and team leaders hold First Aid certificates and Basic Food Hygiene Certificates.

Online ParentZone

Parents and carers can use the website or app 'Parentzone' to view their child's full day at nursery including photographs and observations, development records and meal and nappy change information.

We will:

Aim to make all parents feel welcome, valued and necessary by providing a range of different opportunities for collaboration between children, parents and us.

Encourage parents and grandparents to join the children in various activities, such as reading sessions, baking and singing.

Keep parents informed about 'the nursery goings on' in the form of a regular e-newsletter and by having a parent's notice board. We hold regular Parents Evenings, to give you a chance to discuss your child's progress with the staff.

Keep parents fully informed about the curriculum using displays and brochures. We also discuss and record progress and achievements through informal meetings and via regular entries on your child's learning journey on Parentzone.

Make all new parents aware of the nursery's policies and procedures, and any changes we may make in the future to ensure standards remain high.

Make known to parents the system for registering queries, complaints or suggestions.

Encourage relevant learning and play activities, such as sharing and reading books, to be continued at home. Similarly, experiences at home are used to develop learning within Nursery, for example visits and celebrations and getting to know each child's interests.


Security throughout the nursery is of prime importance to all staff. All measures possible are put into effect to ensure that your child is as safe as possible while at nursery, both indoors and out. Lilliputs has CCTV and a coded door entry system.

Other Agency Links

As a nursery we support our children through their natural growth and development from birth to five within our nursery. We aim to make the transition from Lilliputs to school as smooth as possible for your child. In order for us to do this we have built up positive relationships between nursery and the local primary schools.

We invite your child's new school teacher to spend some time within our classroom observing them in their own environment giving them a clearer picture of their personality. This will allow the teacher to understand their individual need and help settle quickly into their new routine and environment within school.